Donor Services

Matilda's Katrina Gorry visits the Connect IVF clinic

The Connect IVF team welcomed Katrina Gorry and her family to learn more about Donor Services and tour the clinic and lab. Click to watch the video tour.

What are donor services?

Egg donation, sperm donation and embryo donation can be used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments to help individuals or couples who are struggling with infertility.

Connect IVF can provide you with Donor Services. Please contact us via our enquiry form to request a consultation.

Egg Donation

IVF Using Donor Eggs

Donor eggs are typically used when a woman is unable to produce viable eggs herself. This can occur due to advanced maternal age, premature ovarian failure, genetic conditions, or other factors. In such cases, a donor provides eggs that are then fertilised with the partner’s or a donor’s sperm through in-vitro fertilisation (IVF). The resulting embryo is then transferred to the recipient's uterus.

Sperm Donation

IUI & IVF Using Donor Sperm

Donor sperm can be used when a man has low sperm count, poor sperm quality, or genetic abnormalities that may be passed on to their offspring. In this case, a donor provides sperm that is used to fertilise the recipient's eggs through intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF.

Embryo Donation

IVF Using Donor Embryos

Donor embryos can be used in the treatment of infertility in couples where one or both partners cannot produce viable embryos for pregnancy. Donor embryos are created using the eggs and sperm of anonymous donors, and are usually donated by couples who have undergone IVF treatment and have unused embryos.

Request a consultation

For more information on Donor Services at Connect IVF please click here to request a consultation and select "Donor Services".

How to Access Donor Eggs / Sperm

Known Donor

You may have a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is willing to donate.

Unknown Donor

Connect IVF have partnered with:

  • Genesis International Egg and Sperm Bank
  • The World Egg and Sperm Bank
  • Manor Medical

In partnership with Connect IVF the donors provided through these banks comply with all Australian legislative requirements. All donors undergo extensive testing and must meet strict qualifying requirements before donating their sperm. This enables us to provide a wider variety of donors from different ethnicities and backgrounds.

Donor Sperm and Egg Cost

Donor sperm and eggs sourced through a bank are supplied direct to the patients. Costs and payment arrangements are between the bank and the patient.

Questions regarding the cost for bank-supplied sperm and eggs can be answered either on the banks websites or be directed to our approved banks. Connect IVF have partnered with: Genesis International Egg and Sperm Bank, The World Egg and Sperm Bank and Manor Medical. See more details above in the 'How to Access Donor Eggs / Sperm' section.

Things to Consider

Your pregnancy will be monitored by your Fertility Specialist or your GP until your first Obstetric appointment on or around week 12. This is to ensure the health of both the mother and the developing foetus.

In all cases, the use of donor eggs, sperm or embryos can greatly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. However, it is important for individuals and couples to consider the ethical, legal, and emotional implications of using donor gametes, and to seek counselling and support as needed.

The NSW ART Act and Regulation require Connect IVF to collect and store information about donors and women undergoing ART treatment, and provide this information to the NSW Ministry of Health for inclusion on the Central Register following the birth of every donor conceived child.

Donor Service Fee

The Donor Services Programme Fee is a one-off fee charged for managing, licencing, registering, and processing donor IVF cycles with a specific donor. Should you return with a different donor later, then this fee will be payable again. The Donor Services Programme Fee is not covered by Medicare rebate and is a private fee.


Frequently Asked Questions on Donor Services

  • Question: Who can be a donor?
    • Answer:
      • Sperm Donors must have reached the legal age of adulthood, preferably aged between 21 and 45 years old.
      • Egg Donors must have reached the legal age of adulthood, preferably aged between 21 and 35 years old and preferably have completed their own family.
      • Embryo Donors: The female donor was less than 35 years old at the time the embryos were created or stored. If older, the fertility specialist will explain to the recipient, the impact that age has on the success rates.
  • Question: What is the role and rights of a donor?
    • Answer:
      • Donors will have no legal rights or responsibilities for any offspring born from their donated eggs, sperm or embryos.
      • People conceived using donated eggs/sperm/embryos are entitled to know their genetic parents, should they want this information once they turn the age of 18. Therefore, all known donors must consent to release of identifying details to Connect IVF. The information includes the donor’s medical and family history, identifying information, the assumed gender at birth and number of persons conceived using the eggs/sperm/embryos provided by the same egg/sperm/embryo donor. A donor must also be prepared to release any identifying information to offspring.
      • Donors are entitled to some information about the offspring born. Non-identifying information about live births, the child’s assumed gender at birth, the number and age of children born, and any birth abnormalities can be provided on request.
  • Question: What are the requirements to be a recipient?
    • Answer:
      • Sperm donor recipients must be under the age of 44 years old.
      • Egg/Embryo donor recipients must be under the age of 49 years old.
  • Question: Any other important notes about donor services?
    • Answer:
      • Connect IVF has a responsibility to report donor birth outcomes. Connect IVF will comply with relevant State Legislation and/or Regulation in relation to reporting donor birth outcomes.
      • Donors and a person conceived using donated eggs/sperm/embryos need to be protected from the consequences of having many offspring and siblings. Under legislation applicable in each state and territory of Australia a donor can only donate to a certain number of families.
      • Donating eggs/sperm/embryos in Australia is altruistic, it is illegal to receive or make any type of payment for donated eggs/sperm/embryos.

For more information please visit our FAQs main page here.

Request a consultation

Your information is private and confidential. We will not share any of your personal details.